Monday, December 1, 2008

After the Feast

Thanksgiving is really one of the best holidays out there, Alissa thinks, especially since it always takes place on a Thursday and is followed by a long weekend. Even if one doesn’t head off to the mall on Friday, there’s still lots to do – and one doesn’t absolutely have to have turkey again right away!

Yesterday, while Ted went off for a half-day at the office, the rest of us played a bit of UNO (not the “Speed UNO” Jon and Julia introduced us to last summer in Saugatuck; more the “Geriatric” game that comes from playing with two Senior Citizens, the perfect plot for an hilarious improve routine, believe me …). Heidi and Alissa then went off to lunch and to search out a replacement hat for Heidi before meeting the rest of us (including Ted) to see BOLT – in 3D, no less.

Later we motored off to Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago to meet Evan, Sarah and Oliver and to tour the Christmas lights on display there, followed by a pizza party and some Wii Guitar Hero at their Hoyne Street home.

A great way to spend a (bright, cold but sunny) day!


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