Friday, November 28, 2008

A Holiday to Remember

Thanksgiving seemed ever so surreal this year.

Evan, Sarah and Oliver joined the two of us at the Lonergans’ Oak Park home, and Alissa nicely managed her first ever holiday turkey feast, serving up not only all the essentials and pumpkin pie for desert but adding a pumpkin cheesecake to the mix as well.

However, in the background loomed the disconcerting news from Mumbai, deep into the second day dealing with a series of devastating terrorist attacks. The saga has continued unfolding even this morning with commandos still seeking to clear out remaining terrorist holdouts in at least two locations, the Taj Hotel and Towers and a conservative Jewish community center.

Furthermore we have become aware that some of the reports found in the New York Times are being filed from the scene by Jeremy Kahn, a friend of Evan and Sarah’s whom we are planning to see in Dehli next week!

We’ve also been contacted via email by a tour traveling companion wondering about what we make of the situation and its potential effect on our trip to India. We’ve replied that we still plan to go (!) and, on the basis of earlier experiences in similar circumstances while traveling in Europe, expect that “things will work out for the best.” Of course, the entire situation is still quite fluid – which only adds to the tenuous sense of what the immediate future holds in store …

Surreal, indeed!

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