Saturday, December 13, 2008


Our morning excursion took us to yet another World Heritage site, this one once housing eighty-five Hindu temples built in the ninth and tenth centuries to honor each of the Chandela monarchs ruling this part of India during that time.

After the fall of the Chandela kingdom, the site fell into obscurity, lost to the encroaching landscape until rediscovered in 1864 by a British army captain hunting in the area.

The Western and Eastern complexes we visited this morning encompass most of the twenty-three or so surviving structures, many emblazoned with marvelous deep relief sandstone sculptures.

Our local guide provided an excellent overview of what, exactly, it was that we were seeing. We all learned a lot about Hinduism in the process -- and managed, as well, but just barely, to survive perhaps the most aggressive set of souvenir touts we've yet encountered!

I'm able to upload the resulting photo album because we're awaiting word about our flight to Varanasi, our final stop on this wonderful highlight tour. Wish us luck getting off the ground!

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