Monday, December 1, 2008


We're off!

Actually, not quite … Graham, the young church organist staying in our home to care for the cats, the plants and the furnace, will drive us to Hopkins International Airport around noon today for our mid-afternoon flight to Chicago.

We’re hopeful snowy weather in the Windy City won’t delay our ongoing flight to Dehli (scheduled for after 7:00 p.m. this evening), but one never knows. At the very least, we will be on our way.

Yesterday we received another email from May Chu. She, her friend from Stanford, her brother and his wife, all originally scheduled to join us on tour, had already told us in an earlier note of their decision to opt out – much to our disappointment. In her latest memo, she passed on word that at least three others had done likewise – leaving, at most, seven intrepid travelers still on board.

We waited word all day from OAT that the dwindling numbers would lead to cancelation of the trip altogether. That never came, so out assumption is that the tour is still on schedule. All we can hope for now is that we’re a compatible lot!

NOTE: I’ve added a few holiday photos to earlier posts, reacquainting myself in the process with some technological tools I haven’t made use of for quite some time. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Alissa Lonergan said...

Hope you both made it safe and sound! Since we didn't get a call from you saying you were stranded in Chicago, we assume you made it out. The kitty we found yesterday (12/1) is now (12/2)at Oak Park's Animal Care League awaiting adoption. A heart-wrenching decision,as the kitty was a sweet as can be,but the best for all in the long run. Olivia & I toured the facility and it seems a good place to be. Miss you! Love,Alissa