Thursday, November 20, 2008

Preparations All in Hand, We Think!

More than a year ago, shortly after our return from our THIRTY-TWO RAKAN tour of Japan, we decided to act on one of Heidi's most persistent dreams and make plans to travel through India as our next major international travel trek.

Fortunately, good friends and neighbors, Nancy and Tony Saada, had recently traveled there with Overseas Adventure Travel, an agency through which they had taken a number of enjoyable and worthwhile tours in the past. We looked over the OAT itinerary, liked what we saw, called to make reservations and ended up with a December 1, 2008 departure date. We let another good friend (and traveling companion on trips to Kyoto and Macao in 2003) , May Chu, know of our plans; and, lo and behold, she signed on as well together with another one of her friends!

Realizing that our return air flight would take us through London on December 23rd, we decided to realize another long held desire to witness the annual Twelve Lessons and Carols Christmas Eve service at King's College Chapel at the University of Cambridge and made reservations at a Bed and Breakfast in Cambridge where we will spent Christmas 2008.

Our only misstep was not realizing that Thanksgiving this year fell during the last week of November. Although we tried to change our flight reservations once we did, that proved prohibitively expensive. So we are taking the Megabus to Chicago next Tuesday, November 25th, spending the holiday in Chicago, returning to Cleveland on Saturday, November 29th, then flying out to Dehli (via Chicago!) on December 1st. At least Lee won't have to make the drive back and forth to the Windy City by automobile ...

Otherwise, with lots and lots of Pingo phone calls to England, emails to contacts in India and other bits and pieces of communication, everything seems "ready to go" at this point. We've done lots of reading, bought new suitcases and other travel paraphernalia, even borrowed a brand new small portable laptop computer from Cleveland State University's Department of History to make this blogging process a bit easier to manage over the weeks ahead.

So there you have it: the first entry in yet another series of travel blog entries ...

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