Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Eve 2008

The Megabus trip yesterday between Cleveland and Chicago took a bit longer than driving, but – even with the local rapid transit rides tacked on either end – we still arrived in Oak Park before 4:00 p.m. I don’t mind driving but found the time passed much more enjoyably when I could read and listen to my iPod Touch and look out over the countryside from the top of the double decker bus instead ...

After an early dinner, Alissa and Ted went off to see CHANGELING while we took care of the grandchildren, reading those interested some of the books about India we had brought with us as gifts. We escaped the snow swirling around when we left Cleveland and seem assured of sunny (if seasonably cold) weather over the next several days, a welcome respite from Cleveland’s cloudy gray.

This afternoon the two of us are off to see SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, a much-anticipated prelude to our trip. The reviews (and a personal recommendation from friends in San Francisco) have been particularly complementary. We were pleased to discover it showing here in the Chicago area – it won’t open at the Cedar Lee in Cleveland Heights until mid-December. Tonight, after the movie, we’ll have supper with Evan, Sarah and Oliver in their Lincoln Square home before returning to Oak Park.

Sounds like a good way to spend the day before Thanksgiving …

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